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I've got a problem that my floppy is recognized as read-only, even though the 'puter formatted it (DOS). This is in Slackware 9.1, with Gnome desktop. Kernal is (I think) 2.4.1, it's not the one that's just coming out


I know the floppy drive pysically works, 'cause it did under the previous OS setup I had on the 'puter - a dual-boot Win 2K/Suse 9.1. I went to Slack for faster speed, and have not been disappointed.


I've looked at /etc/fstab & /etc/mtab and it seems the floppy is listed correctly. I get an 'invalid parameters' message when I try to drag-n-drop onto the floppy desktop icon. I am 'root' on this 'puter - no other users, it's my learn-Linux computer...


And yes, the floppy tab is in the r-w position (grin).


In fstab, the line for the floppy reads:

/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto noauto,owner 0 0


In mtab, the line for the floppy reads:

/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy umsdos rw,nosuid,nodev 0 0


Can anyone help me with this? It would be VERY useful to be able to write

to floppy!


Also, I'd like to find a way to use the 'supermount' feature, where the floppy/CD is mounted on insertion, a la Mac.


If you would be ULTRA kind, and e-forward any replied to my email: jhecht@ix.netcom.com - I'm searching a lot of forums try to fix this bug.


TIA for your help!



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i've re-read your first line (I've got a problem that my floppy is recognized as read-only, even though the 'puter formatted it (DOS). ) and i'm assuming it is the disk that seems to be read-only. if you have formatted the disk in DOS you can't just drag and drop to copy Linux files to a different filesystem. try starting a terminal and use the "m" tools.

for example move yourself to a directory with a file you want to copy to the floppy and type in

mcopy filename a:

you can also use this to copy files from DOS-formatted disks

hope this is what you were referring to..









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