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internet page not showing up

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;( Several weeks ago i tried using internet explorer but it didnt work. Right now i am using realone player web to go on internet. im not sure why it is not showing up. everything that needs internet works such as warcraft 3 battlenet and mmorpg's and error sending but the internet wont work. Anyone know what to do!? Is it a virus or what?! When i scanned with Norton Antivirus i found no virus but only a bunch of Adware (77 infected files to be exact) As i said, can someone hellp?

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If you are using a Lan Connection, on the off chance that a piece of software reset it, go to Internet options -- Connection, Click on the Lan connection button and see if it is going directly to the internet or if the proxy selection has a dot in it. Switch it back to Direct Internet and try IE again.

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Checked the Lan connection, restricted sites, registry keys. everything seems normal. The LAN is connected directly to Int not a proxy. is that good or bad? im not sure what a proxy server is. i have no restricted sites. I scanned for Adware found none. I have a couple of BHO's that are in the adware section so i got rid of them.

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;( checked the regkey, value, whatever. discovered that path was set at




is that bad? also, i havent tried reinstalling the web browser. sry about replys being so late. never have time to visit site.

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