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drive image 5.0-somebody...plz help me

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I have problem while i tried to drive image my PC.the error is error #57-cylinder number is too large for BIOS...

somebody plz gave me the solutionbold text

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I don't know what software you are using to create a drive image. I have seen this error when a large file is zipped and an anti-virus software kicks. No way of being certain, but disable your anti-virus and then try to do the burn.

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I'm using drive image 5.0 and fyi my pc does not protected by any anti virus software.any other solution ?

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Was just hoping for an easy solution. If you wouldn't mind, since this is a BIOS issue in relation to the hard drive, could you give us the manufacturer of the motherboard, the specific name of the motherboard and what BIOS you have installed. Then, could you give us the kind and make of the hard drive?

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I'm sure you've already resolved your problem by now, but if anyone else runs into this, here's the answer:


"Error 57 Cylinder number is too large for BIOS

At least one partition on the hard drive extends past 1024 cylinders. PartitionMagic and DriveCopy will be unable to access any partition that crosses that boundary. The only way you will be able to modify a partition crossing this boundary is with an OS/2 executable of the program or by redoing the translation, which would involve backing up all the partitions, deleting them, turning on translation, recreating the partitions and restoring the data. Note: If the drive is larger than 8GB the DOS executable will generally not be able to access anything over the 8GB."


I fixed the error by by deleting the partition and recreating it (I used PQMAGIC). You will lose all your data. If you don't want to lose the data back it up before doing this operation.



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Not using any antivirus software? Are you having a laugh, or something? If you're truly not using any antivirus software, you're extremely foolish. Not only will your computer have probably already been infected by one or more viruses but also you may very well have caused hundreds, if not thousands, of other people's computers to be infected as well. Do get and install some antivirus software AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE. There's no excuse for not having any.


As for Drive Image 5.0, I wish you luck with it. I used to use Drive Image 5.0 but dumped it after struggling with it for about two years. It simply wasn't reliable. 50% of the time it either didn't properly create the image or it didn't restore it. I lost my root partition many a time, through using that awful bit of software.


These days, I use Norton Ghost 2003. It's infinitely better than Drive Image 5.0. It's easier to use and is far more reliable. Do yourself a favour - dump Drive Image.

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