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If i click on a link in outlook express 6 sp1 nothing happens

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Please help me,

I am searching for a week to solve this problem.

If i click on a hyperlink in a mail message, nothing happens.


Can someone help me out?



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Outlook Express defaults to IE when you click a link. Changing to a different browser as default may cause hyperlink to fail. Then, again, it can bust itself. From Microsoft:

To resolve this problem in Internet Explorer, follow these steps:


1. Quit all programs that are running.

2. Click Start, and then click Run.

3. Type regsvr32 urlmon.dll, and then click OK.

4. When you receive the "DllRegisterServer in urlmon.dll succeeded" message, click OK.


If this does not resolve the problem, repeat steps 2 through 4 for each of the following files (in step 3, replace Urlmon.dll with each of the file names below):


* Shdocvw.dll

* Msjava.dll

* Actxprxy.dll

* Oleaut32.dll

* Mshtml.dll

* Browseui.dll

* Shell32.dll (Windows XP and Windows 2000 only)


If the problem is still not resolved, verify that the following registry values are present and correct:



Name: (Default)

Value: IDispatch


Name: (Default)

Value: {00020420-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}


Name: (Default)

Value: {00020420-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}

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Thanks for the reply, Sampson.

But it still don't work.

I had already done what microsoft says.

I tried once more, but still don't work.

Any other idea's?

My father's computer is from same shop same model but older version, he didn't have it too, but he used 'PestPatrol' the anti-spyware software, and removed all the spy-ware of his computer and then it worked. I did that too, but it doesnt work at my computer.

This is some information of my system:


MEDION Titanium MD 6000

Intel Pentium 4 - 3.0 GHz.

512 MB Ram

128 MB Vram (ATi Radeon 9800 XXL)

200 GB HardDrive


Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-107D


I am using Norton internet Security 2004

I am using these spyware/adaware controlling apps: Webroot Spysweeper (Not newest version) and PestPatrol.

There are other programs that already existed when i bought this pc.


Any idea's?

Thanks already.



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It is just to add something.

I thought to 'scan' for virusses.

I started norton, but all the Buttons were messed up.

I coulden't scan.

I reinstalled norton, i restarted my computer and then there came a message of norton to configure it click 'Next'.

A button.

When i click on it, nothing happens.

Now what.

Maybe it is the same symptom of the mails?

I hope it is not a virus.

Hehe, if it is it is just a game pc, i can format it. I know how to smile

But i would like to know whats happening


Can someone help?



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This puts a whole other light on the situation. First, try BHO Demon - http://www.majorgeeks.com/download.php?det=3550 to rid your IE browser of "helpers" which are possibly hijacking your system. Personally, I would uninstall Norton's. You will find that Norton's is so deeply embedded in your system that you won't be able to get it all out, but perhaps enough of it will be gone to allow you to install a different anti-virus like AVG or Anti-Vir. Are there any other symptons that the computer is giving that can give us a clue as to what possible virus you may have?

Anyway, do these two things. Be sure you have PestPatrols latest definitions and scan your machine. Then, go to HouseCall Trend Micro's online scanner and scan your machine with it: http://housecall.trendmicro.com/

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Still doesnt work. I uninstalled norton, and installed the free version of AVG Anti-Virus. It found one virus, called Ghosts.A -

Removed it succesfully, but still doesn't work...


...what do i need to do now...?

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Did you install the BHODemon and see if some particular "helper" belongs to spyware? and then attempt to re-register your .dll's?

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Yes i already downloaded BHODemon, and i have 2 'helpers'. (already uninstalled norton and now installed AVG)


This is the first one (have a log) its name is: Myway Search Assistant


BHODemon Report File:

C:\Documents and Settings\Andy Sleeuwaert\Bureaublad\MYSRCHAS_BHODemonInfo.txt


Legal Copyright: Copyright © 2003

Desc: MYSRCHAS.DLL - MyWay Search Assistant

Clsid: {04079851-5845-4dea-848C-3ECD647AA554}

DLL Path: C:\Program Files\MyWay\SrchAstt\1.bin\MYSRCHAS.DLL

Modified Date: Monday, July 19, 2004 10:30:30

Created Date: Monday, July 19, 2004 10:30:30

Product Name: My Way Search Assistant for Internet Explorer

Product Version: 1, 0, 0, 8

Original Filename: mySrchAs.DLL

File Description: My Way Search Assistant

Company Name: My Way

URL: http://www.doxdesk.com/parasite/MySearch.html

Enabled?: No

Internal Name: mySrchAs

Size (bytes): 98,304

MD5 Checksum: 0912165a43ed892d4397cb40fa2507ab


Status: Investigating


And the twoth one: Adobe Acrobat Reader ( i think its not bad)


BHODemon Report File:

C:\Documents and Settings\Andy Sleeuwaert\Bureaublad\AcroIEHelper_BHODemonInfo.txt


Legal Copyright: Copyright 2001

Desc: AcroIEhelper.ocx, AcroIEhelper.dll - Adobe Acrobat reader

Clsid: {06849E9F-C8D7-4D59-B87D-784B7D6BE0B3}

DLL Path: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 5.0\Reader\ActiveX\AcroIEHelper.ocx

Modified Date: Monday, April 16, 2001 17:39:02

Created Date: Monday, February 23, 2004 20:20:34

ProgID: AcroIEHelper.AcroIEHlprObj.1

Product Name: AcroIEHelper Module

Product Version: 1, 0, 0, 1

Original Filename: AcroIEHelper.DLL

File Description: AcroIEHelper Module

URL: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html

Enabled?: No

Internal Name: AcroIEHelper

Size (bytes): 37,808

MD5 Checksum: 8394abfc1be196a62c9f532511936df7

Status: Benign


I already disabled them,... any idea's?


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Some people swear that Myway Search Assistant is spyware. I don't know, you can disable it or not. The Acrobat BHO is benign.


Well since we've been down that path, Check the following.


Under Tools in OE check to see that "read in plain text" is not checked.


Next, we need to reset the default browser. Right click on the IE icon on your desktop, click on the Programs tab and Click on the button to Reset Web Settings button.


Go into Regedit and see if the following key is missing: HKEY_Local_Machine\Software\Classes\htmlfile\shell\open\command

If it is you can import it from another machine.


Be sure that your register the following:

regsvr32 urlmon.dll

regsvr32 mshtml.dll

regsvr32 shdocvw.dll

regsvr32 browseui.dll

regsvr32 msjava.dll

These should be found in your System32 directory under /Window

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I did all what you sed, and it doesn't work frown

The regkey is ok,and i did the rest.

I have noticed another problem.

Maybe this can help us out.


I cannot click on a link that uses javascript.(links to create a popup window or a bigger picture in a window)


Greetz,... and already thanks for the help.



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Hey Sampson great thanks, i dont know how,

But i've got my links back!!


Thank You man!



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