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Problems with Service Pack 2 to Windows XP

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All of this is ridiculous... So are you telling me that because Micro$oft does not want to support certain BIOSes and video cards that you can't update your system!!?!?!?!?


That is the most absurd notion I have ever heard!!! When are you ppl going to wake up and see that there are other options... you don't have to deal with an Operating system that forces you to up grade your video card just to get much needed updates to patch up a horrible excuse for an operating system...


The solution that worked to fix this problem is to uninstall win-dozes all together and install a Linux distribution. I recommend Fedora Core3 for ppl that have not used Linux before. Then graduate to Gentoo when you think you are ready...


but to settle for an inherently flawed piece of software because you can't imagine anything else is short sited and reminds me of talks I have had with drug addicts.


For more info check out: http://distrowatch.com/


And can someone tell me why many ppl complain about windoze and all of its bugs but at the bottom of their post they have a signature that praises this cubic zirconia of operating systems...



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I think what they are saying is that SP2 is flawed, not the whole os... Win xp is a great os in my opinoun.

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Hi there, newbie here.


I have tried to install XPSP2 3 times, all with the same result, it gets to the cleaning up stage of the install and freezes, I left the machine running overnight and it was still stopped at this point, I built the machine myself and it is set up as follows :- PC chips M848A motherboard, AMD Athlon 2800+xp processor, 1GB memory, 2X Western Digital 80GB hard drives, a Pioneer 108 DVD writer, Plextor CD writer, Phillips PVR+ 780 tv card and ATI Radeon 9800 Pro AGP graphics card, installed software includes MS Office 2000, AVG anti virus, Zone alarm fire wall, all xp updates, ms messenger and yahoo messenger, Sims 2, Microsoft active sync, quick time, Nero 5, adobe reader 7 and cyberlink power dvd.


does anyone have any suggestions, can try almost anything as this is a dual boot system with windows 2000 pro and all drives are backed up with paragon drive back up and stored on a removable 40 GB MP3 player


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I've tried three times in the last six months to load Service Pack 2 in place of Pack 1 and it has failed each time. I get vertical bars or blue screen and have to reboot. And the next time it happens sooner and sooner after that. I've had to reboot in safe mode and go back to restore point before. I just turned it off for the night. The last time I hit the vertical bars was when I was in the Windows knowledge base and clicked on search for "vertical bars." This thing was definitely not in any shape to release to the public. Typical Windows problems. My wife's OS10 shares the same Lynksys router and she never has problems with her operating system.



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OK so this is my problem....I had SP1 on my old pc which I could run every program on. I got a brand new computer with SP2 already installed on it and now I can run NO programs anymore. How do I go from SP2 back to SP1 if it was already installed on my new computer? Is there a way to do it or is there a disc out there I have to buy if I can do it at all? Please help, this is driving me crazy!!

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I stumbled on this board when searching for a good link to send a friend and thought I'd share that worked for me. I've had installation problems with SP2 in the past until we found out that SP2 has a built-in firewall. If you are running a third party firewall (eg McAfee, etc.) you should disable it during the SP2 installation. Once you've installed SP2 (and haven't run into any other install problems) you should be able to go into your Control Panel and disable the Windows Firewall. Then go back and activate your regular firewall. This is just a suggestion and shouldn't be regarded as a fix. This is just what I've had to do when we ran into XP not booting up or locking up when installing SP2. All PCs running XP Pro with the SP2 installed after knowing this have been updated with no problems. Hope this helps.

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Ok...My problem is little bit different...I installed win xp with 6 setup disk...and later installed sp2...and thenn office 2003...everything was normal...after one of the automatic updates (that i dont know which one or it's code cos it's auto) update restarted my computer...but this time whole my user account passwords was invalid...i tried the passwords on normal openeing and safe mode admin password also...no hope...(I AM SURE THAT I REMEMBER CORRECTLY MY PASSWORDS)....cant enter safe mode...cant enter normal mode...i formatted the hd...and then applied same procedure...but same problem....what can i do? couldnt find a solution in microsoft knowledge base...or any other place...is there a solution? please...it's enought to format frown and want use some cool new ie properties like block pop-up s etc.....



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I've tried installing SP2 thrice now. First was through AU. The install works fine (1 hr). On reboot, the BSOD appears with PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA. Reboot in safe mode and uninstall SP2 (another hour). Tried up[censored] BIOS and video driver on Toshiba Laptop with Intel Celeron processor. No Luck. Tried disabling CPU cache. Unplugged all peripherals and PC cards. Also, no luck. I'm running out of patience. System works fine after uninstall. If anyone has any info, please advise.

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Ok, I have searched the forums and have been unable to find the answer. I would like to know how to turn off that annoying Windows Security Alerts icon that pops up upon reboot. The one that informs you that you chose to NOT have MS automatically download and install all the updates.


Thanks in advance.



ETA: Nevermind, the geek in me figured it out.

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