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Quake 2 not working

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My single player works and when i start a network it works. But when I play in servers my mouse and keyboard work but is really late and mouse skips. Its not because my connection cause i got cable. My mouse is mx510 logitech and wirless keyboar logitech. I got an Audigy sound card maybe thats conflictin with it like xfire problem with that card. But i don't think so because it plays fine in single player and start network. Just in multiplayer the game delays the mouse skips frames. Its not lag cause i'm pinging good and i got a good connetion.Also the game works on my bros comp. So what should i do.


512mb ram

Radeon 9800 Pro

Asus motherboard

1.4 Athlon

Audigy s/c

mx510 logitech mouse

wireless logitech keyboard

os Xp pro



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