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monitor goes out of frequency

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Hi all

Iam a student.Iam pretty comfortable with Windows...n Iam eager to try out Linux.When I tried to install Fedora Core 1 in my system,after the installer(anaconda) started the monitor gave a message-


Out of Frequency

HF 23.9 KHz

VF 38.0 Hz

Frequency Range

HF 30-71 KHz

VF 50-160 Hz

counting starts backwards 20 sec and then the monitor turns off by itself.My monitor is LG Studioworks 700E,ASUS 845 motherboard

What can I do??Plz reply soon


Thanx in advance.

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heya jagat,


what you are experiencing is just that the combination of resolution and refresh rate Fedora is attempting to use is too low for your monitor.


I'm not quite sure how Fedora could come up with the values you posted but they're definitely improper. Also according to the posted specs, I'd recommend a resolution of 1024x768 at 85Hz refresh rate, which is a standardized VESA mode.


The respective modeline for this resolution would be as follows ...


Modeline "1024x768@85" 94.5 1024 1072 1168 1376 768 769 772 808 +hsync +vsync


Just bask in the beatuy of the numbers for the moment until some explanations as to where to insert this line are passed by this ...


Step by step guide


1. Booting into console mode

I'm not using Fedora so I'm not quite sure what you have to do bypass the startup of the GUI. So I hope some other Fedora users can toss a note about that. Anyway ...


If there are no boot-aptions available (like by pressing F1 or something similar), let the screen go blank and immediately try ALT+F2. This should give you a shell login screen where you should log in as root.


2. Editing your X-configuration

If you have managed to get into console mode type this command ...


emacs /etc/X11/XF86Config-4

(mind upper and lower case letters)


2.1 Finding out what monitor is used

The above command will open the X-config-file in the editor. Scroll down until you see a line like this ...


Section "Screen"


This is the place where you have to look for an entry called "Monitor". Usually this setting will be something like Monitor "Monitor0". If your "Screen" section mentions a different monitor than "Monitor0" than keep this respective identifier in mind.


2.2 Editing the "Monitor"-section

Next thing to search for is a line that should read this ...


Section "Monitor"

Identifier "Monitor0"






The following is a listing of what you should add or what lines you should alter ...


 HorizSync 30-71 # the HSync-range VertRefresh 50-160 # min. and max. refresh rate


2.2.1 Adding a suitable modeline

Now, all you have to do is to extend the monitor section with the above modeline. You should have some modelines there already. In case you haven't just add something like this right above "EndSection" (keep all values up to "+vsync" in one line; just in case the HTML-renderer of this forum breaks it) ...


# mode 1024x768@85Modeline "1024x768@85" 94.5 1024 1072 1168 1376 768 769 772 808 +hsync +vsync


2.3 Activating the new mode

After you have inserted the modeline into your Monitor-section, go back to the "Screen"-section and search for an entry like


Subsection "Display"

Depth 24 # or "Depth 16" or "Depth 8"

Modes "640x480" # or whatever mode you are currently using



Edit the "Subsections" so that your entries read something like this ...


Subsection "Display" Depth 24 Modes "1024x768@85"EndSubsection


That should do the trick. Also make sure that under <Section "Screen"> you have an entry like "DefaultDepth 24".


2.4 Save the changes amd exit editor

Press CTRL-X and S subsequently to save the changes and then press CTRL-X, C to exit emacs.


Now you're back in the shell and should be able to reboot your puter with the "reboot" command.


Hope that helps


ps: if that little howto has tempted your "geeky" bits then lurk around here and twiddle your video-modes to kingdom come smile


-> http://www.hut.fi/Misc/Electronics/faq/vga2rgb/calc.html

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