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One more - DirectX and NT4

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I have USB,Fat32,IE6,DirectX5(from Win2000 Beta) on my NT4. Please help me - where I find directx6 for nt4?

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You can't. NT4 SP3 to SP6 came with DirectX v3. To use higher version you have to install either Windows 98, Me, 2000, or XP.


You can play OpenGL games on NT4 just not DX ones.



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I have not seen a single issue of DX for NT4 since v3. If there was one it was a hack. No NT4 drivers will come with DX support anyway.


DX 5 was designed for Windows 95/98 and due to come with NT 5 (renamed Windows 2000) but eventually came with DX 7.




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If anyone has Dx6 for NT4 PLEASE!!! send it to me:


I can`t live without it!.


Thanks for response.

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LOL. As far as I know there never was a DX6 for NT4. Now there is a SETDX6 program which will change the DX3/5 version of your NT4 directx files to fool programs into thinking that DX6.1 was installed. But that's it. There is no DX6 for NT4.


The program is here: http://vogons.zetafleet.com/viewtopic.php?p=42641#42641


You may have to register with the site to download.


Don't ask me any questions about the program since I haven't used it in about 5+ years.



The following is from the readme.txt that comes with the file:




- SetDX 6 Patch V0.5 Beta by **Hans Wilson/AbSoLuTe**-



You know this problem:

"This game need a newer version of Directx"


The solution:

SetDX 6


What does SetDX 6?


It patch the version variables from the NT 4.0 DX .dll to 6.1.


Lets fool some games a little


Create a temporary directory and extract setdx6 there.


You need the follow files from the system32 directory:



















copy the files also to this temporary directory.


Make sure that the files are not write protect.

If you get a DDRAW.DLL file in use or DDRAW.EXE file in use,

go to task manager and kill the application DDRAW.EXE before.


Run setdx6.exe


Copy the .dlls back to system32

Copy the automatical generated sound.vxd (for Lucasarts games)

also to system32


Add the regkey (regedit.exe): HKLM\Software\Microsoft\DirectX\

Value: Version, Regtype: REG_SZ, String:






1) Backup the .dll before you run SetDX 6

Keep in mind this is a early beta.

2) SP4 content dplay 6.1

Download SP4, if you don´t have it

3) NT 4.0 compatible games

An excellent listing of NT compatible games is on


I visit it daily.


Files included in this archive


setdx6.exe - SetDX6 patch V0.5 for US/UK SP4/DX3

and NT5.0 B1/DX5

setdx6.dbg - Debug file

setdx6g.exe - SetDX6 patch V0.5 for german SP4/DX3

setdx6g.dbg - Debug file

sheet.txt - Problem sheet for bug reports

readme.txt - This file

file_id.diz - File id



Visit my site


AbSoLuTe´s Patches for NT





"Lets fool some games a little" -AbSoLuTe

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Sorry for my English but I`m from Poland


If Dx5(from beta1 2000) works on nt4... maybe DX6 from Beta2 Win2000 works on NT4.


dsound.dll from DX7(for 2000) work on NT4 (I checked this)


I want only run one library - ddraw.dll version Dx6 - nothing else.


I look for SHS on Google and Altavista but I don`t find anything special.





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Alec§taar - your Polish is perfect.

Thanks for your response.


I will be very greatful if anyone could send me ddraw.dll ver.6 from Beta 2 Win2000.(elwis1007@wp.pl).

I hope it exist somewhere in side cyberspace.



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Windows NT shipped with DirectX 2.0. Upgrading to Windows NT 4.0 service pack 3.0 will install DirectX 3.0. However there are no higher versions of DirectX available for Windows NT. Installing Service Pack 4 or higher will install later versions of DirectPlay however.

Time to upgrade OS? smile

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If anybody wants a USB, FAT32 or DX5(with DPlay6) for NT4 please contact with me: czarnylewis@wp.pl.



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