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ata66 under nt4

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hello,i recently upgraded my hard drives to ,one 6.4g quantam ata66 capable,and one 13.4g ata66 quantam,i have the 6.4 as the master and the 13 as the slave,i installed the drivers for ata66 after nt was runnin,got it to work okay,but at first when the machine booted with the hd connected to the ata66 port with the 13 as the slave it would get to the blue screen,then just hang,so i disconnected the 13,and then nt booted thru,no probs,i then tryed connecting the 13 up to the other ata66 port as a secondary master,but no luck will still not see it,so then i connected the 13 to the normal ide port,no probs booted thru ,into nt,however,try as i might i cant get the 13 to run at ata66,only the 6.4 will,can any one help?also what should i set the pageing file to? i have 256mb ram.so what would the settings be? start at?---maximum?,any help apprciated,by the way freespace2 runs beautifuly under nt 4,rgards brax

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