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Resident Evil: Nemesis

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Saw this movie tonight. Whatever you do, DO NOT GO SEE THIS MOVIE. In my opinion it made Alien vs Predator actually look good, which is a very bad thing indeed.


It's a combination of alot of things.


Zombie "blur" effects. I guess in addition to the "zombie shuffle" they decided to speed up the the zombies. It looks cheesy. Very cheesy.


Chain guns - Alice is immune to them....I guess. In one scene she is standing between 2 bad guys. The character with the chain gun picks off the guy to her right....then move the chain gun to her left (WITHOUT STOPPING FIRE) and kills the guy to her left. Somehow Alice is unaffected.


Physics - Another scene has Alice perform a totally uneccessary and really cheesy motorcycle stunt which is extremely unrealistic.


Another has her running down a skyscraper to attack some bad guys below....now this is possible with properly adjusted gear....which in her situation was not at all possible....but is really unecessary because at the top of the building she just took out a sniper. Why not just shoot the bad guys with the sniper's weapon? Only reason I could figure is to show another fight scene.


The end of the movie is terrible too. Arrgh, I can't really describe it because if I do, it gives away the ending but I will say that it involves the bad guys doing something stupid....but then you find out that the baddies wanted this stupid thing to happen which just made the previous fight scene totally unncessary!



I'm being vague on purpose so I don't ruin the movie.....but the movie is a ruin anyway so I don't know why I even bother.



To assure you guys that I am a very good judge of movies. I picked up The Punisher the other day and watched it and was suprised how good it was. It was very good in fact....if you want a movie to watch. Watch Punisher!

[Edited by dosfreak on 2004-09-11 01:07:55]


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Interesting, thanks for the review however I need to see something this weekend so I was thinking of this one, I only go to the matinee's because around these parts it's a bit cheaper then full price wink


Also, the movie was called


Resident Evil: Apocolypse

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LOL! For some reason I reverted back to thinking of the movie as Nemesis....since awhile back that was the working title.


Yes, Unfortunately it's one of those movies which you have to see if you've seen the first one. In this case tho, it's definetly a rental.

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I think I liked John Trivolta best in Face Off, followed closely by Pulp Fiction and Broken Arrow wink


Royale with Cheese anybody...

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