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The Sims 2

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I am having real trouble trying to install the Sims 2 on my computer. I have an Acer Aspire 1300. For a while i was unable to install DirectX 9.0 but i finally managed to sort that out. Now i have installed The Sims 2 but when i try and play it i get an error message saying:


Failed to find any DirectX 9.0c compatible graphics adapters in the system! Please make sure you have a DirectX 9.0c compatible graphics adapter and have installed the latest drivers provided by the manufacturer.


I have downloaded the latest drivers for my computer (there were none to download). Someone please help me because i am desperate to play the sims!

Please could you reply to me at Missmafia57@aol.com

thank you !

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Welcome to the forum. Though you need to post in the correct sections.


Your aspire comes with an S3 video card. Since that company is now long gone, the only people who will support it are third party, such as Acer. I doubt your drivers can support the requirements of the game.




The above link should be able to give you a baseline for your machine and SIMS 2.

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Yeah, This definitely seems to be becoming an issue.

I've been having the same trouble, but while not a comp novice, i've not been able to solve it.

My system reqs meet Sims 2 reqs

>Athlon Xp 2600+

>ATU RAEDON 9600 pro 256 mb ddr

>80 gigs hdd

given that raedon 9600 pro is definitely a dx 9c compatible card, the error message simply pissed me off.

Well couple of things bout the DX 9c installation prgram, what i figured out is that the dx 9c installer wont reinstall if you already have 9c installed on your machine. coz i ran dxdiag and i have dx 9c installed. seems to me that the catalyst 4.9 drivers are the problem...so later tonight i'm gonna uninstall 4.9 and install 4.8 to see if Sims 2 runs. Sucks that i cant play Sims 2, but i've been searching all over and havent found an answer yet. The guys at EA games have no updates or patches (not even news on this issue), makes you wonder what they are upto...anywayz if someone has more news and possible fixes to this problem plz post.



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