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Service Pack 2 for Win XP


  1. 1. Sharepoint migration 2010

    • Migrating to Sharepoint 2010

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Should I get it? I have been holding off for ages because people keep mentioning problems caused by it.

Explain 'depends' answers please


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I vote depends on your situation because I do think you can pretty much do all the things that SP2 would give you by just running Windows Update for the current hotfixes and security patches and by using a personal firewall like Zone Alarm and any number of both free/share/commercial software packages wink


The partial noexecute switch seems like a step in the right direction along with the AMD-64 CPU's having this in hardware. That being said there are some known issues with compatibility when using the noexecute switch as well as some known SP2 specific issues and running about 50 different apps. I do however think most of these are games and the specific issues seem to be related to multi-player gaming and specific ports that the MS firewall closes on you. Again, this is something that can also be taken care of when using SP1 along with a personal firewall, you would still have to open specific port(s) for online gaming wink

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And I for one applaud your work APK, here's hoping to a quick fix and/or acceptable work-around for this issue laugh

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