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DirectX and SP2 problems

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I was reading the posts that said if DirectX would not download to just reinstall SP2. I went to the microsoft website to do this, but I keep getting an error message from ActiveX that says "Your current security settings prohibit running ActiveX controls on this page. As a result, the page may not display correctly." And then it just stops. It never gets far enough for me to download sp2. I also cannot upgrade to DirectX 9.0 c and I get this error message when I try to install "A cabinet file necassary for installation cannot be trusted." I am one of the people who are dying to play sims 2 but are hindered by problems with DirectX. Someone please help me!!!!!

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I'm having the same problem, i have downloaded directx 9.0c without sp2 but i can't install it- it says that a cabinet file necessary for installation canot be trusted? Any other ideas?

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Is this PC a domain member? It sounds like there may be policies in effect that do not include some 3rd party CA servers.

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Thought this might prove helpful......





10/26/2004 10:42:55 AM Re: Error: Cbinet file not trusted????


With DirectX 9.0 Summer Update 2004, we added a check for valid digitial


signatures on the .CAB files for the DirectX 9.0c Redist. This was done as


part of new security ship requirements for all Microsoft products. Some


users have reported recieving the error "A cabinet file is necessary for


installation and cannot be trusted." when trying to install the end-user


distribution or products that include the redist. In these cases, the


digitial signatures are valid, but the installation still fails.


The most likely cause for this problem is that the Cryptographic services


required to perform the validation have been disabled or corrupted on the




If you have FAT drives, you should start by running scandisk to ensure there


are no corrupt system files.


On Windows XP, there are two KB articles provide detailed instructions on


how to resolve issues with the cryptographic services: KB 813442, 822798


- http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;813442


- http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;822798


- Other options for Windows XP would be to try to install XP SP2, which may


be able to correct the cryptographic services problem and installs the


DirectX 9.0c runtimes.


On Windows 98/ME, you should try going to Start/Run and executing the


command "scanreg.exe /fix"




Chuck Walbourn


SDE, Windows Gaming & Graphics


This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.


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