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Really slow games.. and I mean slowwww....

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Yet another question for you folks to ponder over...


I get really slow frame rates in my games, mainly playing Q3A and Grand Prix Legends. They're like really jerky, especially when playing single player with a load of bots or on a LAN.




Dual PII 400


128Mb 100Mhz RAM

Voodoo 3000 AGP (Driver ver 5.0.2195.9)


NetGear FA310TX NIC

Win2K Final


I would have thought with a machine like this they should run pretty hot, my Win98 install version on single PII 400 using a much older motherboard runs better. I've got two things in mind that could be causing the problem


1) video drivers - does anyone know which version of the Voodoo3 drivers for Win2K are the fastest and will run Q3A (not too worried about Grand Prix Legends)


2) my network card shares an IRQ with my USB controller - ACPI has called it IRQ 19 although I know it's really IRQ 11


Oh, and another thing - what does SMP actually stand for?


Thanks for you help,




OK - I seem to alway pick the wrong board - maybe this should be in the games section sorry..! Anyway having read some more of the games section I'm getting the message that Voodoo3 drivers do not support SMP - thus making my dual processors pointless for game playing right now. Does this apply to just Q3A or to all games - and is there any way around this problem - buying a nice big fat geforce card for example? Cheers, Jon



[This message has been edited by JonL (edited 08 February 2000).]

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