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My how the internet has changed

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Heh, I've got a 576k DSL connection and I love it.

Only not too long ago I was plodding around with my old 56.6k dial-up and the difference is quite staggering.


I now that DSL isn't exactly top of the line as far as internet connections are concerned but it does everything I need it to do so I am happy.


Sorry I don't have more to sya I just thought I'd share my opinion with everyone that the internet really IS a revolution and already HAS changed the world (unfortunatelya majority of that is only the western world at the moment but that's a different issue for a different day).




P.S. Anyone remember 14.4k connections? 8)

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Originally posted by Waffler:


P.S. Anyone remember 14.4k connections? 8)


Ah, try an old acoustic modem running at a paltry 30, 60 or 110 baud and you'll see just how speedy a 14.4k connection truly is wink


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Well, I used to host a two node BBS on 28.8, now have a guess at my age smile


Remember BBS doors and Legend of the Red Dragon? laugh Oh, those were the days laugh


I've thought from time to time about setting up a telnet BBS

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I remember using a modem on my old Commodore 64 - there was a BBS in the UK around mid-80s (I forget the name), and the modem ran at something like 300 baud - it used to take 3-4 minutes to complete one screenful (30 x 20 or whatever resolution of the C64 was). I used to think that was soooo cool 8)


My first ever PC modem ran at 2800 baud, and I thought that was speedy - it used to take forever to download files that were only kilobytes in size - but that was before the days of CD's and burners.


I remember when we moved from 5.25" disks to 3.5" disks and thought they were cool - 720k on one floppy was unheard of! And then when 3.5" went double sided...wow!


I also remember when people still referred to hard disks as "Winchesters", and when the only language to program in was assembler...


I'll stop now, this is making me feel old ;(




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