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I m not able to change the default session ,I want to start KDE session .Each time O have to change the session .Plz suggest something so that I can directly go to KDE session

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Look in /etc/inittab and change stuff.


Sorry for the short reply, but I dont know what is going on with your computer...ie: are you currently using gnome?


PS: Make certain to make a backup copy of inittab, and if you gunk things up use a livecd/terminal to fix the changes you made.

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don't mess with inittab. What distro are you using, what desktop, and login manager? I think Mandrake uses some custom script and I know nothing about fedora.


The above mentioned info would be helpful.

example I'm running...

Debain = distro

Gnome = Desktop

gdm = login manager


let us know this should be an easy fix.

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If Fedora, there is a desktop switcher tool that you can use. Find it in your menu. Is it defaulting to another DE even though you have chosen KDE?

[Edited by Dapper Dan on 2004-10-06 17:40:10]


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Try creating .xinitrc file in your home directory.

Enter this in a terminal window:

"exec startkde" > ~/.xinitrc


that <i>should</I> do it as I believe this is one of the first files it checks.


Apologies for the inittab comment above...was at work, brain wasnt working well. inittab is for changing run levels, not default window managers. shocked

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Originally posted by crazykillerman:

Try creating .xinitrc file in your home directory.

Enter this in a terminal window:

"exec startkde" > ~/.xinitrc


that <i>should</I> do it as I believe this is one of the first files it checks.


Apologies for the inittab comment above...was at work, brain wasnt working well. inittab is for changing run levels, not default window managers. shocked


This will work for sure.


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