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Help! Internet Explorer Not Refreshing....

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I've got this irritating problem on IE6.0 (WinXP).


My IE6 doesn't check for new versions of pages. I've set the settings to check automatically or on each visit to the page. However, regardless of whatever I do, it appears to only check each time I start IE6.


For eg. I've visited a page on a site that I have on ie6. Then I deleted the page, and refreshed the page on IE6. Despite having deleted the page, IE6 still shows me the old page. It's only when I restart IE6 again and check for the old page, does it tell me that the page is missing.


Does anyone have any idea how I can fix this or some patch or something to stop this problem?


Thanks & cheers.

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Hi Alectaar,




Been there done that. I've cleared out the cache, deleted cookies, temp file, offline content but the problem still remains.


IE6 still refuses to reload. A clear e.g., I deleted a webpage on my website and replaced it with a new page. I've confirmed that the page is definitely deleted. However, each time I try to view the page, I still see the deleted page! ;(


Any help on this problem would be much appreciated.


Thanks & cheers!


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Originally posted by dosfreak:

Are you using a proxy server/service of some sort?


Or, if you're hosting web pages on your ISPs server, does your ISP cache web pages and only update them occasionally?


Does the page work properly in another browser?

What if you press F5? Or SHIFT+F5?




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Quick and easy testing if the problem is with your PC/browser: browse thru a few pages using http://www.anonymizer.com/


Close your browser, and repeat. If the same pages are loaded, then the problem is with your browser/PC. If not, then it may be with a caching/proxy server, possibly even from your ISP.

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