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XP Home will not load

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Ladies and Gentlemen,


Here is a good one for ye.

I have a XP home SP2 machine ( well its my aunts ).

She was starting it up one day and disaster struck.

When she enters her username and passowrd it accepts them starts loading profile. Then it goes to saving settings and then back to the logon screen.

This happens on every single profile, new and old. This also happens in safemode.

I tried a "last know good" but no joy.

I also tried going in using ERD Commmander. I reset all passwords and account privelages and still no joy.

Through ERD i went into the registry and dumped anything suspect. I removed all but the basic programs in ERD and again in ERD stopped all but the basic services from loading.

There does not seem to be any reason for this happening.

The only thing I can think of is that since automatic updates are enabled, the system may have installed something it should not have. Or there may be a corrupt install of an update.


If anyone has any ideas they would be extremely welcome.





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Thanks for that.

I had a feeling it was something to do with Spyware or a virus.

No virus's though, scanned the drive in another machine.

I will try that and report back to see if it works.

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Copied userinit.exe from a working machine and managed to get to desktop in safe mode.

Installed SP2 and nearly everything worked. I still get odd WIN32 error on some apps but that is cool as I can reinstall.


One thing I am concerned about is the User Manager.

When I try to access it through the control panel I simply get the window but where all the users should be list there is simply a white box.


I left it sit for a while and nothing.


Its not that big a deal but it is a little annoying.


Thanks for the previous advice


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By the way.

Whats this Junior Member all about.

That is a little patronizing.

I have been a techy for 8 years.

I have nearly all MS, Linux, Novell and Cisco Qualifications.


I still get stumped every now and again. Who doesn't.


Junior Member indeed

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