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Input Buffer Length?

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What does that exactly mean? It's under

Device Manager --> Mouse properties -->Advanced settings Input Buffer Length xxx packets. Meaning what?

And ofcourse there is that Sample rate thing isn't that the same thing as in PS2 rate plus ?

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Is people this ignorant ? or just not willing to answer this frown ? I'm sure someone does know what this means....

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Changes the size of the input buffer that stores information about your mouse location. You should increase this number if your mouse behaves erratically.

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I must congratulate EddiE314 on his extrordinary restraint in not ripping Lager a new arsehole in his reply.


The entire text of his response is taken from the TOOLTIP that appears if you press F1 with focus on the relevent input field!


Lager says "Is people this ignorant ?"


Well, if you need to be spoonfed answers without exerting the slightest effort on your own part to resolve the issue for yourself, then "Yes, you are."


Oh, and I've got a really nice bridge for sale. Interested?





SuperMicro P6DBS (dual UW-SCSI) BIOS 2.2, 2*Celery 300a @ 450Mhz, 384MB PC100 RAM

SCSI-A=4.3Gb+9Gb, SCSI-B=Tosh32x CD-ROM, Yamaha4416 CD-RW, Iomega ZIP100, IDE1=4.3Gb

IBM EtherJet 10/100 NIC PCI + Nortel ADSL "modem"

CL TNT1 AGP + Quantum3D Voodoo2 SLI PCI

SoundBlaster Live PCI (not Value)

Win2K build 2195 120-day eval

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d'oh... well I've never used THE F1 key so...didn't need to until now ;-)

Well THE F1 key doesn't solve thing allways and since you Yuppie seem to be so smart why won't you help a little bit with this problem...concerning my HD(quote from my earlier post...)

I have DMA enabled (DMA if available) in w2k and in BIOS (ASUS P2B latest bios)

but it still says PIO MODE under PRIMARY IDE CONTROLLER

In 98 my Hard disk worked fine in DMA mode...

My HD is [seagate 9,1Gb model ST39140A] I supports UDMA33....

so any solutions to this??...I've come up nono so far...

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Where does it say "PIO MODE"? Is the drive master or slave? IS there anythng else on the same IDE channel?

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Yup Yup Yup, ToolTips are good.


My HardDrive says PIO Mode also, i could care less.

Device manager/IDE Atapt Controllers/Primary IDE Channel/Properties/Advanced Settings/

It says it under Device 0, mine is Primary Master and nothing else is on Primary. But i could care less, Windows 2000 doesn't crash, I am happy.





[This message has been edited by EddiE314 (edited 06 February 2000).]

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Yes it says on Primary Ide channel setting -->Advanced settings

Transfer mode :DMA if available

Current Transfer mode:Pio Mode

Here is my Configuration for IDE Channels:

Primary IDE : MASTER:Seagate 9,1gb udma

SLAVE: nothing in it..

Secondary IDE: MASTER: Toshiba SD-M1212

SLAVE: Hp 8100 cd-writer


does this give you any ideas ?

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Does the mobo detect the drive as being DMA/UDMA capable. Is DMA enabled on the mobo?


If yes to both, then check the System Event Log for messages about the IDE interface, as it may well be that W2K is just not happy with the UDMA controller on the mobo - W2K is a lot more picky/strict about hardware conforming to spec that Win9x is...


One other thing...is DMA working for the second IDE channel?

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YuppieScum: Yes UDMA is enabled in my bios. Funny though My DVD drive works happily in DMA mode and I'm sure that DMA would work for Cd-writer also but it brings unstabilities when burning Cd's. My bios revision is (1011 for ASUS p2B).But I'll try to detect my HD from Bios again and see if it brings any success...

Note: !!!!

below the setting that enables UDMA in my bios setup there are 4 settings that adjusts PIO configuration for drives

connecting either the PRIMARY or the SECONDARY IDE controller if I made some changes to them would it have any effect on this?

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The settings in my bios setup are:







and optional settings for master and slave modes are:







btw...it didn't help refreshing my HD in bios...

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OK, try this...


Set the BIOS "Plug and Play aware OS" setting to false/off.

Set the IDE UltraMode from Auto to whatever setting you feel it ought to be.

Do the same for IDE0 MAster PIO/DMA Mode


Restart the OS...


Also check the Event Log to see if there are any siginificant messages...

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