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I come here because Dapper Dan said you can perhaps help me smile.


I've just installed Fedora core 1 and I try to instal my modem. it is a pci modem made by alcatel : speed touch pc

I can't find any driver for it... so I'm stuck... please help me...


Some more features on my modem : http://www.chipweb.de/dsl/index.php?menu=2&id2=18


Thanks for you help.


See you.

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Howdy vital


I fear you've picked probably the most bothersome ADSL-modem for linux one could imagine. According to this document (PDF) there is no linux-support for the PCI version. All the internet has to offer are howtos according the USB-version.


Other sources meanwhile indicate it's possible to utilize the "mgmt.o"-management module of the USB version for the PCI-card as well. The common denominator for all these references is: "The Speed Touch PC-card is a p*** in the a** to set up under linux." And according to Alcatel's lousy and nosey driver-download page I can only subscribe to that.


So ... no solution to offer, but a tip: Trade the card for some decent external modem. Should only be a couple of EUROs/$$$.


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Hi vital! Glad to have you over! smile


An external ADSL modem is likely gonna perform better for you anyway. Check out some of these. smile

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