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Which version of Sun Java is recommended?

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A difficult one to answer you might think. But nevertheless I am interested in your opinions (should you have any :P).


Each new version of Sun's JRE seems to get bigger and bigger, and the only reason I can think of upgrading each time is the potencial security holes that are fixed in each release. But how dangerous (and more importantly common) are JRE exploits?


If there is no real danger can I use older (smaller) versions eg 1.2 or 1.3 etc... (I currently have 1.4.2_06 on Win2k)


Does anyone who is actually knowledgable about Sun's implamentation of Java, have any suggestions about which build offers the best stablity without bloat or serious security holes (or does it vary between different platforms and browsers)?


Thank you to anyone who takes the time to answer this smile

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