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question about memory....

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at the moment i have 256 Mb DDR Ram at 333 MHz. An upgrade to seems really reasonable so i was thinking the following :


- Should i buy another 512 Mb DDR Ram at 333 Mhz and get a total of 768 Mb DDR Ram at 333 Mhz




- Should i sell the 256 Mb DDR Ram at 333 Mhz and buy a new 512 Mb DDR Ram at 400 Mhz ?


which will be faster ?


ps: yes i know im a cheap ass. hehehe ;(

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Personally I would sell the 256 and get a 512, I'm not a fan of ram sticks that aren't identical (IE differing Mb).


End of the day? You will still be doubling your current RAM, getting a 67mhz advantage, and having to spend less money on the 512 stick because of the money from ur old 256mb.


Just my thought though, feel free to take or disregard my opinion. smile

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first of all get a hand on your cpu fsb cause if you dont plan to change it and its running at 333mhz there's no point in getting a 400 mhz stick of ram (it will work but not optimally)


second if you do plan to upgrade in the near future i suggest getting the 400mhz stick of ram and when you get a new mobo/cpu setup you can throw it in easily


and btw like waffler said different rams are kind of a no-go especially if they're different brand

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I can highly recommend the Corsair RAM with the flashing activity lights :-)



Yes I like flashing lights that do nothing laugh

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