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I don't know what's going on, but my CD drive won't even read the disc! Every time I try to run it, it says to insert a disc, but there's already one in it! I reinsert it, but it still won't read it. So I can't even attempt to install the game! Why did they make this game so difficult to install? PLEASE HELP!!

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Is it possible by chance that you bought the DVD version of the game and not the CD version. If you only have one CD then it is the

DVD version and that is why the cd rom won't read the CD (actually DVD! lol)

Now if you are sure you don't have the DVD version then can you tell me what type of cd-rom drive you do have and if you have any problems reading other Cd's.

also can the Sims 2 cd you have be read in other computers beside your own?



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I have the same exact problem... I have enough RAM, speed, etc... and I have a combo DVD/cdrw drive on my ibm thinkpad t40, but i get the same message to insert a disc when there's one already in there and it really is bothering me. Please someone help.

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i wish i had an answer for you, but i'm having the same problem. I have a Sony CD-RW CRX215E5 and of course it won't read The Sims 2. Can anyone help, this is very frustrating.

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Try the disc in another CD drive. We need to determine if the disc is bad or not. If it works in the other CD drive then there are other things you can do such as slowing down your current CD drive or getting another CD drive.

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Sounds like the Sony drive is a doggy drive, there are loads of issues with it such as failing to recognise discs esp blank ones.

If you do a search on Google, there are 1350 responses all with forum questions about it.

I would say get a new drive, CDRW drives are v. cheap these days.


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ok i have the same problem too. i just got the sims 2 DVD version and whn i put it in all it does is make click noises. no autorun shows up at all and ive tried everything that i kno of. if it helps i have a windows XP i have more then enough memory and video card stuff and all that and i have that directx9 in cuz another game i have uses it and its fine so i duno whts going on but im so upset i think im gunna cry lol so someone please help me! i dont kno whts wrong and i dont kno yet if other dvds will work i dont think they will cuz at one point our comp got fried and ever since we cant make cds or anything and my parents wont buy me a new one just for this game so please help me to the best of ur ability! should i get a new game with the DVD version? or hold on to it and get a new computer or both?? (get the non DVD sims 2 and get a new comp) please help!

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