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Un-installing Mandrake 10 in order to reinstall with broadband modem

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I have a broadband connection through Wanadoo (UK) and understand that in order for the modem to be recognised by mandrake I should uninstall mandrake (reformat my hard disk) and then plug in the hardarew before reinstalling - can anyone give an "idiot guide" to this please

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Unless there is something about Mandrake I don't yet know, that sounds like a bunch of nonsense.


Mandrake is good with recognizing hardware as soon as you install it. Just shut your box down, install the device, make sure its secure and reboot.


*IF* your hardware is detected and configured by

Mandrake, just follow the on screen instrucrions for configuring it. I say *if*, because there is a chance Mandrake will not recognize it, in which case you may have to configure it yourself, or your hardware is not supported with Linux.


What is the make and model of this network device? Is it an internal PCI? External? Cable or ADSL? USB or serial? Wireless, etc.

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