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Strange things with win 2k

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I have recently formatted my HDD and intsalled 2k pro updated it fully etc. but i put in my 2k pro disk to install some laungauge component and it said I had a older version of windows and it wanted me to update to 2k pro?!? I went into system and it said I was running 2000 pro on SP4, so why is my 2k disk saying that i dont have 2k installed?!?!? also could that cause some of my apps/games to pick up that im running below 2000?

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close the autorun screen and add the components you want manually through control panel, and you should be fine. It sounds like a minor glitch to me, and it shouldnt affect anything else.

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kk cheers, I havnt noticed anything not working just Compatibility mode, It wont apply the changes, but then again I dont need it so I unregistered the dll associated with it.

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