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DirectX 9.0 crashing video help!

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This started happening when I installed Far Cry. I play the game awhile and the card crashes and I get a bunch of crazy colours and wavy lines. I am running a AMD 3000+ with a gig of ram and a ATI 9800 all in wonder with 128mg. I have updated all the drivers I can think of, changed monitor refresh rates and hardware acceleration but nothing seems to help. It happens on other games as well so it can't be to do with Far Cry. I think it is a Directx problem, I am using 9.0c. Please help me I am getting so frustrated. Dxdiag says there is nothing wrong. frown

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Try backtracking to DX9.0b , if that doesnt work backtrack ati drivers try it with older ati drivers + DX 9.0b then with DX9.0c, it might be something to do with the card drivers (I got an ATi 9800) although it doesnt do that for me. BTW you might want to check that your card isnt corrupt/burnt or been knocked about and that all the wires are fully in(sounds stupid but many people have done it)

[Edited by jimlad on 2004-12-24 11:10:38]


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