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Userinit.exe repeating

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For whatever reason when my windows xp (home) begins it boot up my computer slows down alot and does not bring up my start bar just the background picture. I go to my task manager and see the only process my computer is running is userinit.exe over and over again using up all my CPU processing. Before this happened i had a virus on my computer called "funnier" or something by that name. My anit virus deleted it though. Any suggestions on which way i might tackle this problem? Thanks

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ok ive read lots about sorting out probs the with userinit.exe...here's how I fixed mine..I would get "loader couldnt inialize service" message, on start up, the desktop wouldnt load..to get it to load, log out then back in again..you need to replace the userinit.exe file in c:windows/system32..the quickest way?? dont bother with your winxp disc, getting it off another comp ..start up your favourite p2p program..emule..bittorrent..kazaa..etc search for it there...stacks of ppl share their c: drive..d/l it..about 24k.. and replace the one in ur c:windows/system32 (i made a back up just in case but worked 1st time)


Shlarte (bartfast..Norway was my favourite bit..the fyyords..

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