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I want to make a simple application that basicly detect, users Hardware, and if possible software.


I want to do this in c++,

and i was wondering if someone could help me, i mean if there is a tutorial on how i could do this... if you could give me the link or if you could help me it would be great...


Oh, by the way i'm a noob in c++,lol



Thank you,



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What you could also use is "msinfo", you can either run it from its directory, in windowsXP its:

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\MSInfo

(full file name is "msinfo32.exe")


or you can click on START -> RUN -> type in msinfo32 -> click OK or press ENTER.


If this dont work for you, then you could at least get an idea with this info of what you wanna do or need.

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