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Can't have baby, Sims2!

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I'm playing Sims2 right now, and trying to have a baby! They love each other 100% and I got them in bed and clicked try to have baby. I then heard a lulaby tune and thought I made one, but I didn't! Please help! I want one sooooooooooooooooo badly!


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Get a girlfriend and a couple of books about the birds and the bees :-)


Sorry, just in a good mood today.

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Originally posted by Alec§taar:


True, but he wants the baby, oops, I just realized something it might be a girl and I said get a girlfriend smile

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Originally posted by Alec§taar:



You know, I agree... & am one who needs to take that advice myself!


(No women in my life this year, being "solitary boy" & all that, because finances are TIGHT for me & I have plans for 2005 I want to materialize & women? Cost... imo @ least, because it's NICE treating them out etc. when you are able to!)


I know what you mean, woman are expensive.

Good luck smile


Originally posted by dosfreak:

Well...there are substitutes, just depends on your frame of mind. wink


PS. Ewwwww.


Dosfreak, HUH? and I always thought you were innocent :):) lol


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Originally posted by Wicked101:

..............Dosfreak, HUH? and I always thought you were innocent :):) lol


Being ex-Military myself, I know better wink


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