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Mandrake 10.1 Newbie needs boot floppy please help!!!

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I am trying to install mandrake 10.1 on an empty computer with no windows, when i install first disc i get that the keyboard is

detected, the hard disk, and the cd drive, then floppy a installed,then it says error loading operating system, this machine will not allow me to set it up to boot off the cd drive,

and i cannot access the dosutils file on the first mandrake disk

to rawrite? create a floppy to boot it, i am borrowing an old windows 95 canon laptop with only a floppy drive, so i cannot put the cd in it, please help, is anyone using mandrake 10.1 that can possibly make me a boot floppy and e-mail it to me?

or does anyone know where i can download the 10.1 bootfloppy to this so i can put it in my other computer, i have to give this computer back soon, so i need to get mine going, i look forward to seeing your posts, if anyone can make me one send it to puglife426@yahoo.com, happy new year to all..


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Thanks for the post, i made a floppy from that site, and actually got it to do something, then i got this, i will put it all down, because i am sure anyone reading this will understand it better than me, An error occurred, cant acces kernal modules

corrosponding to your kernal file, (file/lib/modules.cz- is missing), it also says this generally means your boot floppy is not in sync with the installation medium, Please create a newer boot floppy, oh, man, right when i was getting excited watching it start to work, any ideas all? sorry about the long postings,

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Originally posted by mainaa:

...Please create a newer boot floppy

Doh! that stinks. where did you get the mandrake discs and can you get an exact version number? Maybe something like 10.1.0009 build.X I'm just guessing at this point I havent used mandrake since version 8.x. and I know they have all kinds of builds now. If you can get that info then you can search http://www.google.com/linux for a more current boot floppy image.


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thanks, i am not sure when the build is, my friend gave it to me, it looks like it came from a linux magazine, when it first starts it says welcome to mandrke linux (10.1) october 11 2004,

if you find anything please let me know, i would appreciate it,

cruising the web with this old canon laptop is a very slow process indeed,

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The computer that you are attempting to install Mandrake to is a desktop?


I'm going to guess that the system may be to old to run Mandrake 10.1, if you don't have an option to boot from cd.


Of course there may be a bios update to fix the problem.


Can you post the specs for the system, including how much ram is in the system (you will need at least 128 mb of RAM) and what the size of the hard drive is.


Your cd is a specific "demo" version of Mandake (looks liks a euro build), so the normal Mandrake 10.1 floppy image will not work, as your cd has an altered version compared to the offical boot floppy disk.


Is it possible to use another system with a cdrom to use rawrite and extract the image that cam with your cd?


If you have no way to download mandrake and burn it to cd disks, I sugegst buying a set. They are cheap. See for an example, Linux Central. For $10 USD you can have a lot less headaches.


But, you still need a system with a cd drive to do it.

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yes, i am trying to install it on my desktop, i am borrowing this old canon laptop from a friend, the desktop was given to me, it used to have windows 2000 nt on it but has been f/disk'd

and has nothing on it now, this is all he wrote down before he gave it to me, microsoft windows 2000 professional, type x-86 based pc, processor x86 family 5 stepping 12, genuine intel-133

total physical memory 81.460 kb- total virtual memory48.716

i think that was when it had windows, it has 1.2 gig hard drive,

the other person that posted gave me two sites, so i downloaded rawrite, and downloaded the cdrom.img on there, and made a floppy

it did not work, i also downloaded one that had a december date, still did not work, i get the error saying to use a newer kernal,any ideas? do you think i should find a floppy based distro with networking, and get it back online and download a distro from one of the mirror sites, instead of using these disks

from the magazine, linux user & developer magazine, any suggestions on a distro that would work good for a newbie like me? i am open to any suggestions, i just want to get my computer running,

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yes, i am trying to install it on my desktop, i am borrowing this old canon laptop from a friend, the desktop was given to me, it used to have windows 2000 nt on it but has been f/disk'd

and has nothing on it now, this is all he wrote down before he gave it to me, microsoft windows 2000 professional, type x-86 based pc, processor x86 family 5 stepping 12, genuine intel-133

total physical memory 81.460 kb- total virtual memory48.716

i think that was when it had windows, it has 1.2 gig hard drive,

the other person that posted gave me two sites, so i downloaded rawrite, and downloaded the cdrom.img on there, and made a floppy

it did not work, i also downloaded one that had a december date, still did not work, i get the error saying to use a newer kernal,any ideas? do you think i should find a floppy based distro with networking, and get it back online and download a distro from one of the mirror sites, instead of using these disks

from the magazine, linux user & developer magazine, any suggestions on a distro that would work good for a newbie like me? i am open to any suggestions, i just want to get my computer running,

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What method of downloading will you be using? Modem or nic card on the desktop.


If modem, what modem is in the system?


Your system specs. are too small to install Mandrake. I also wonder about your video card. You would need more than 1.2 gigs of hard drive space to do a proper install.


You might try Damn Small Linux. But you will still need a way to download and extract the files.


Also look at DSL install from a floppy.

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