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Cdrw help

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Hey all


can someone direct me to a website for the latest drivers (aspi i think) for a philips CDD 3610 CDRW?

i installed the cd i got cdrw utils and adaptec 3.5 and after reboot it stopped at a blue screen each time . so i did that thing where it replaces the new reg with the last back up (last known something) and its fine so if anyone get direct me to something win2k can read i would appreciate it



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Hey guy, you just have to buy yourself two eyes :

THERE'S A THREAD CALLED : "Funky probs with SCSI cd-rom cd-rw"


And what is your question ? SCSI and CR-W !!!!!


People answering there aren't paid for that; just don't think you can come, ask a question and go away. It's not that easy. Everybody has a life outthere. So please spare our time and have a look at what we've said before (try the search button).




PS :in that thread, I gave the EXACT answer you wanted .....

PPS : if you know what you want (lastest Adaptec ASPI layer), WHY DON'T YOU GO AT ADAPTEC WEB SITE ??????


[This message has been edited by Awaxx (edited 17 February 2000).]

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well i am new to this.

this is a forum where people can get help as well as learn. how do u expect someone to do that if all you can do is come out with these coments!

i have been to the adaptec site and it doesnt work.

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