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Batch file help... determine drive it is run from

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This problem is very trivial, but I have been searching all over the place and haven't found an answer.


I have a batch file that works on its own. My installer has to call use batch code rather than calling the external batch file, which looks like:


START directory\directory\directory\program.exe -param -param param_directory\param_jarfile.jar


This code works fine from the batch.bat file, but from the installer I get an error that the executable cannot be found.


How can I determine the drive the batch file was run from? Given the drive letter I should be able to build the string necessary for the START command to open the file.


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well, you can do a CD command that lists the current directory. Redirect that to a text file, then do a FOR loop to extract the c:\ portion.


Been using batch files since '83.

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