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Tell me how to get FC3 off my machine!

I have tried t run "wipe drive" and it wont boot from the cd rom at startup. I have reset the BIOS to boot from cdrom at startup and it still won't. Someone, PLEASE tell me how to remove this, and I won't bother you again. I have another os to install, but FC3 will not let ANYTHING run from boot.


desperately yours



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First of all, if you think that FC3 is preventing a cdrom from booting, this is incorrect. This is a function of the bios, not FC3. I understand that you can't boot FC3 from the hard drive.


Some more information is in order, in order to help.


It is more likely that there is a problem with the cdrom recognition, if the bios is set to boot from cdrom and does not. You did save the settings in the bios when you exited after making the cdrom the first boot device?


What system is this? Can you give a brand and model number?


The hard drive...is it IDE or SATA?


Is the cdrom drive an internel or external drive (ie; USB}?


Wipe Drive. I assume that this is the retail version, since you are booting from a cdrom? It's not a demo version, is it?


What is the OS that you are looking to install?

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Something's wrong with your BIOS. FC3 cannot stop you from booting from the cd drive.

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justbill has been having trouble booting from the cdrom drive. it looks like a hardware issue, or as you said, iamroot, a bios issue. He also had someone burn an iso for him of another distro, but it was unclear if the iso image was burned correctly. I also wanted to make sure that he is booting from an internal drive, not usb. See his other post here.

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Hi Guys!

I was away all day (and half the night) messing with this machine.

First of all I want to thank everyone for all the help, I have learned so much since I have been coming here! I still am not sure why this thing was not booting correctly, but it is now! I did reset the BIOS, and saved the changes, and the hardware SEEMS to be working correctly. As for my operating systems (thats right I said "systems"), I ran fdisk off of the Windows98 floppy (start up),

and removed all my partitions, that got rid of everything! I started from scratch, installed Windows98, gave it a 20 gig partition, and then re-installed FC3 with a 20 gig partition and a 1 gig swap! I can't believe I actually acomplished that! Try to remember this is all new to me! I do believe that FC3 is a good OS, I just don't have really any experience with any Linux systems. So I elected to have Win98 on here to fall back on when I need to do some buisiness stuff, and can't figure out how to do something in FC3. I am also very anxious to learn how to use this OS (FC3).


Also, the machine is an HP 233, pentium II, 192mb ram, 60 gig HD, the cd rom and cd burner are installed in the machine (not usb).


Any how, thanks again for all the help, I know I'm going to need more, but for now, this thing (my computer) is doing everything I need it to do!



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Well, that's just grand, JustBill!

Good for you! smile


That's the way to "hunker down" and make it to the other side, I'd say!!!

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