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Please help!! PC will not boot up!!

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I am really hoping that somebody here can offer me some assistance as I really need access to the info stored on my laptop!!


Tonight I installed Ad aware on my Sony Viao laptop, which all went ok. Ad

aware downloaded the update and carried out a full system scan, and found 99 critical objects, so I highlighted these and continued, it quarentined and then deleted these. Every thing still seemed ok I then restarted the the laptop and it would not boot up, I restarted agian and held F2 but it would not access Bios, I really am at a loss as to what to try next.


I will try and find the recovery disk but am worried this may wipe the hard drive!!!, The PC has service pack 2 installed could this affect anything?


Any advise would be much appriciated!


Thanks in advance!


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