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Bios flash in W2K

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Whats the best way to flash my motherboards

bios in W2K.Going from NZ to QJ on an Abit

BE-6II.Thanks for any help.

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What I did was get a win98 startup disk and copy the flasher and the bios to disk. Bootup with the startup disk and flash from there. Read the the instructions of the program your using it might require that no other things be in memory. Like emm386 or himem.sys. All you have to do is go into the autoexec.bat and config.sys file and remove that stuff. Try to make the bootup disk bare as possible just so it boots. Read the readme to see if you need or cant have certain things loaded.

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I have another question.Sometimes when I boot up I get an error message saying my bios is not acpi compatible.This is listed in "power management" in my bios and it is

enabled.Any ideas?Thanks again.

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only a few bios have full acpi (advanced configuration and power interface). Win2k expects acpi bios to allow windows to setup all the hardware. However most bios' although say acpi, they only do the power management, so you may get hardware conficts etc.


To fix this you need to either reinstall, but edit a file called txtsetup.sif before to disable acpi.

or reinstall a "standard pc" system in the hardware properties which is a one way process and very very risky.


the txtsetup modification:


copy i386 folder to harddrive

remove read-only properties on the file

open in wordpad

search for acpioptions

read the bit of text (optional)

find the line ACPIEnable = 2

change to ACPIEnable = 0

save file

run setup32.exe



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I forced my "Standard PC" to "ACPI" and restarted,just for fun to try it : it was REAL advanced power management cos I spend 12 hours trying to boot again smile (blue screen at start up).

The only way I found was reinstalling frown. It was my first Win2k reinstalling but I'm happy cos the old one was an update from b3, via RC2 and RC3 and now I have a full final version with no hidden old parts.




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i did that exact same thing but was able to fix by running setup and choosing repair and the funny thing was my machine stayed acpi and worked fine

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