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XP Home crashes when networked

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I have an HP pavillion desktop running XP Home edition, it is connected to the internet with Bell sympatico (using their high-speed modem) and is connected to an SMC router. My older PC (which was on winME, now upgraded to WinXP pro) and my work laptop (running XP pro) can both get on the internet either through the router or wirelessly, no problem.



I can see the old XP pro machine from the Xp home machine. I can copy files to it and everything. However, the reverse scenario (when I try to connect to the XP Home machine from any other) makes the XP Home PC lock up completely. Must be cold-rebooted. It just freezes the screen, everything stops, as soon as another PC 'sees' the XP home machine.


I've run the network wizard several different times, I've checked all the names of the Workgroups and shared directories and this continues to happen. I'd really like to get the network going so I can share the printer and files... but I'm pretty much out of ideas. I'm guessing it has to be some kind of hardware incompatibility--- but I don't know! I've been holding off upgrading the XP home to Pro as I need to backup all my important files first, and I somehow don't think it will make any difference... but I could be wrong.


Anyone got any ideas?


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Your description of the problem is a little foggy. Did you just put a new computer on your network? If not, was it working previously?


I am presuming that the modem is connected first to the Router and that the HomeXP is connected then to the Router as are the other computers.


You use the plural "Workgroups." Normally, workgroups are assigned to a clusters of computer so that they are grouped "logically." As small as your network is (three computers), you should have only one workgroup.


You said that you used the internet wizard for the XPHome machine. Best to avoid that thing since there are toggles you can miss. Remove all your shared directories from the XPHome Machine. Make sure that it is in the Workgroup assigned to your other machines, and then use Windows Explorer to set up your shared directories. Temporarily, while you are doing this, close down your Windows Firewall.

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