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Internet Problem when running a search

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I don't know what's wrong, but I need major help here! PLEASE. This happens no matter what search engine I use (yahoo, google, anything). If you enter something to search, i.e. "nike shoes", it will bring up all sorts of random results, but just incorporate whatever the search term was ( "nike shoes" ) into the bogus results. all the Results that appear are random virus sites or weird sites. I tried a search on my laptop (the computer with the problem) and did the same EXACT search on my other computer and completely different results appeared. Also, sometimes when you do a search and the results appear, the page keeps changing the results that you see on the screen, even without pressing "refresh" or anything like that. I don't know what to do. My internet is basically useless with this problem. Any suggestions? PLEASE HELP.

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Install and run Spybot, AdAware, and update your virus detections and run a virus check. I think Mcafee has a nifty program called Stinger. Which checks to see if you have some of the more common viruses. Oh, and removes them to.

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I've done the typical Adaware, SpyBot, etc. And nothing helps, but I will try the stinger, Thanks. hopefully that will help.

This is really a disaster :-(

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