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About:Blank Spyware

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Ok i found a file that was the main cause i think for the about:blank spyware renamed it and now it nolonger makes my home page about:blank but it wont let me remove the file. Does anyone know how to do this?

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Try going into safemode, restart the PC and press F8 till it give you some boot options, select safemode and once booted delete the file.

If that doesn't work look for that same filename in the registry, its should have an entry in the registry the refers to that file, if you delete that entry you should be able to delete the file.

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Also, if you have HiJackThis, there is a feature in that program that allows you to delete files upon reboot.


Also, there are programs that fix the About:Blank. Look for about buster found on malwarebytes.biz.

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