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Desktop Folder vanished

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Um, guys, something weird happened to Windows XP Pro on my system. I'm not sure exactly what, but for a while everytime a file dialog box opened (like when you are about to download a file via your web browser) I get an error message like "C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\desktop refers to a location that does not exist". Then I looked for the Desktop folder inside my username's profile, and it was GONE! Tried fixing it by creating a new folder named Desktop, but it's empty, although the error message disappeared (however, I can still access the contents of the Desktop in the Dialogue box or by going to the parent directory of "My Computer"). I checked the other users in my system, and all of them have the Desktop folder missing. I tried using TweakUI XP to change the location of the Desktop folder, but nothing happened.


Any idea what happened here? How do I fix this without resorting to doing a Repair-install of Windows XP (which I'm weary of doing now since I had to do a full reinstall of Windows XP just a few days ago)?



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Never mind, I guess recreating the folder did fix it (apparently I overreacted to the fact that the My Computer, My Network Places, My Documents, and Recycle Bin icons were not in that folder laugh ).

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