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Network Problems

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Here's the deal i have Windows XP Pro with SP2 on my laptop and desktop. i recently formated the hard drives so i got a fresh installation, now here's my problem, first of all i have two network cards on my pc, one for the modem and one for the laptop to connect to and make my small network. i set everything up the internet is up and running on the laptop and now here's my problem i can see the laptop using the desktop i even transfered files to it but the laptop cannot see the desktop, sometimes it tells me it doesn't exist and sometimes when i double click on the icon it asks me for a user name and password, i don't have a user name or password so i can't get past that. now i put the printer on the desktop and shared it, im trying to add it to the laptop, and it doesn't find any printer. i have all firewalls turned off and obviously i have file and printer sharing on since the desktop can access the laptop. what can i do ? im confused and i'm getting desperate !

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heh i'm kinda a noob so can you explain it to me in noob talk lol i dun get much of what you wrote or what's written in the other thread

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