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Hi, I am a poor sap running WinXP for the past year and I have finally decided to move to SuSE 9.2.


I ran from the live CD to see if I ran into any serious problems with my hardware before I make the switch.


One thing I found to not even be detected is my Belkin PRE-N Wireless PCI Card.


I figure if I get that to work I can fix any other problems with any other software throguh the net, so I want to see if anyone has any sugestions to a newbie Linux user on how to get that up and running.

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figured I'd throw in my computer's story as well... in case anyone sees something that is a big no no.




Dell Dimension 8400

3.4GHZ P4


128MB Raedon 300x

2 HD's running RAID 0 on Intel 82801FR RAID Controller (300GB total)


Belkin Pre-N Wireless PCI Card


I will be installing SuSE 9.2 as the only OS (bye bye Windows!)


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some belkin products are on, but my card isnt listed.


My card is pretty new stuff, Belkin 802.11N (Pre-N). Talking to belkin they told me the chipset is 'Airgo'

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Missed that 'N' there at the end of 802.11. Email Belkin and tell then you want Linux drivers. They'll probably give you the standard, "at this time, we have no plans..." line, but at least you'll be one more person asking for them, which could possibly help in changing their mind at some point. In the meantime, you need a wireless card right? Look on that list and see if there is one there you might like. I use the Netgear MA311, but I've had my eye on that wireless Hawking WP251 for quite some time... smile Is your router 802.11N bacward compatible to 802.11B?

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