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dial-up modems that work with redhat fedora core 3 x86_64

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hi there,

i'm new to this forum and also to linux in general and i have a question that i hope someone can help me with.

i am running RedHat Fedora core 3 X86_64 on a second hard drive in my computer at this time. so far i like the OS but what i need is a dial-up modem that works with the x86_64 version. can someone give me the make and model of a Pci dial-up modem that works "out of box" with my version of linux? my current modem wont work because no one makes drivers for it yet under x86_64.


any help or ideas would be great!!

thanks in advance!


P.S. i can't get DSL or cable where i live so i'm stuck with dial-up frown

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Unless there is some reason you must have an internal modem, I'd go with an external. It's going to give you better performance and stability. Most external serial modems will work with Linux. We know the Actiontec serial and the Best Data serial work right out of the box in most cases. I don't think x86_64 would be a factor with either.

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Take Dan's advice. I struggled some time ago with this (although things have improved with Linux support somewhat) until I got broadband. The Motorola SupraExpress external serial 56k works (the PC model, not the MAC model), as well, but they are hard to find. I would go with Dan's suggestion.


If DSL becomes available in your area, consider this as an alternative. I know, but they have been working on DSL to make it a more viable option (switch station and booster ability), so you may see it come to your area in the near future.

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Best Data Best Data 56k v.92 model 56SX-92 rev2



I sure wish the hell Id seen that I could have got it for less that 16 bucks

as aposed to the 35:)



Well yes it will dail out on my linux's BUT it didnt hold connection long

In fact on my fedora it would only seem to post a 9600 bps

so after a hour I gave up.. And put in on my Mandrake.. It only faird better , But still woiuld die after few min,

It works well on windows LOL..



Im useing a Old 3com rockwell modem it seems to work well with both destros.http://www.linuxcompatible.org/images/icons/icon_wink.png



So its eather the ISP that dont mesh well with the best date modem on a linux ..Or something else.. ,That im clueless to..

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