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black screen nightmare

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someone please help !!! i was upgradeing my video card to an(ATI Radeon 9250 128mb AGP). my motherboard is the (PC Chips M922 all in one socket 478 or 370? 400FSB VT8753 northbridge VT8233 southbridge chipsets. so i read the instructions from ATI to install the new AGP drivers and "un-install" the old software from the old video card. so i forgot to install the important "GART" driver (after i read more carefully) and now when i reboot the system i get the black screen of death. so i re-install the old card and still i get the BSOD. so now i clear the CMOS and still the BSOD. so now i try the boot disk thing......still BSOD. so now i try the motherboard software...still the BSOD. so now o try the page up thing......still the black screen of death. so now i try the F8 thing........still the BSOD. could someone please help me with this crazy problem. i am A-plus certified and have built over 40 custom units and high end game units and i have never had this problem......ever! i'm lost....please help. oh yeah i almost forgot-the monitor says in the black window-("no signal")


sincerly puternut

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Well since no mention of the OS was made I'm going to *assume* Windows XP.


So have you tried to do a repair install with the new graphics card installed ?!?


Once you've done the repair install, I would upgrade to SP2, unless your install media already has this as part of the install process, the package will be marked, includes SP2.


Then install the latest chipset software from Viaarena.com, the 4-in-1 Service Pack is what you need here.


Then install the latest Catalyst drivers from atitech.com, it's either v5.2 or 5.3 being the latest available now.

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So you can't even boot into Safe Mode?


You'll probably have to go into the recovery console and manually delete the old gart file.

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yes i have xp sp2. and no it wont boot into safe mode. the monitor is still recieving a "no signal" black screen. even with the boot disk, windows disk, clear cmos,f8,page up key,----nothing! it makes no sense to me? still stummed!

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i even tried a new ms-dos install. is there not some jumper config that will reset everything??? some magic button i dont yet know of?? this is driving me banana's

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So, hang on - are you saying that you're getting no picture from the monitor, not even at the BIOS check? If so, that either means that the monitor cable isn't plugged in correctly, the graphics card isn't plugged in correctly, or your graphics card is fubar.


But since you've swapped cards back, and it still doesn't work, I'd guess that either the monitor cable is fubar, or the monitor itself is.


Can you try the monitor on a different PC, just to check?




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tried the monitor on differant computer and it works. tried different monitor on this comuter also-still no signal. what i cant figure out is why niether cards will not even show on the monitor even in simple boot process or dos? nothing.

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Well at least you know it's the computer and not the monitor.


Not much to say except the standard troubleshooting stuff.


1. Make sure video card is inserted fully.

2. Take out and unplug all nonessential devices.

3. Remove and insert processor/memory.

4. Check that the mobo isn't shorting out on something.


Hmmm, did you try removing the CMOS battery and unplugging your computer from the wall?



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o.k. check this out! i found an old PCI video card and my computer booted and read my monitor! now all i need to do is figure out is why the agp slot is not recognizing my "new" ATI card? i've done nothing so far other than boot the system. so were would i go from here/ thanks so much for your help so far!!!

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Try plugging the AGP card in when you still have the PCI card plugged in and monitor attached to it.

Then start computer and let Windows to try detect the AGP card. Install AGP drivers and card drivers. Then shutdown and plug the monitor to AGP card and try again.


If you still get the same error, just plug the monitor back to PCI card. Then try to update your motherboard drivers, agp drivers.


And try to check from BIOS if there are somekinda setting for AGP. e.g. "Enable AGP slot" smile


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hey thanks a lot i'll go try that right now!! sounds like a winner. man this thing has really looped me. i'll write back and let you know the outcome! thanks for the info!

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