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Outlook 2002 shows wrong week numbers

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I use Outlook 2002 and the week numbers are incorrect.

We are currently in week number 16 but Outlook thinks it is week number 17.

All the remaining week number are also one number ahead.


what does your say?

can it be changed.

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Did you ever work out why Outlook displays week numbers one week ahead of the real week number?

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I *think* I worked out what is happening - the first two days of January were a Saturday and Sunday. Outlook says this is week 1. When we get to the end of 2005, from the 26/12 onwards, apparently that's week 1 of 2006!


This what *should* happen:

The International Organization for Standardization standard for week numbering uses the first week in January that contains a Thursday. Because of this difference, the numbers for weeks can become incorrect.


However, it was a Saturday in our case.... so we should be ok. MS products use this as a guide:


1. The week of January 1st.

2. The first full week in January.

3. The first week in January that contains a Thursday.


To change it, go into Tools, Options, Calendar options.


The options are in the drop-down labelled "First week of year". If you choose "First full week" then it will 'correct' it, depending on your view of what is correct.




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