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Need Augidy 2 drivers

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I have a new audigy 2 value card, CD is damaged, I went to creatives site and they do not have drivers for this for 2k/XP unless you already have the original drivers installed which of course I do not, does anyone have a link for this, I should mention the others on their site do not work nor do the beta


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The unfortunate thing here is that you need to install from the CD that came with the card initially to use the WEB updates frown


Creative Labs will sell you another driver CD for a modest fee of course.


Also note I think that the CD is pretty darn full, i.e., lots of extra apps and demos and such.


Have you tried a GOOGLE search yet ?!?

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yes I did do the google search but am not having any luck with the exact drivers needed

all kinds of close matches but no cigar


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Drivers should work fine assuming you go through Device Manager. I haven't used the actual installer that comes with Creative's drivers for about 4+ years so I can't help ya troubleshoot that. I do know that I used it once and it didn't detect my card so I just went through Device Manager.

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