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Hammer Editor problem with CSS

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I've got a big problem, well, for me its a big problem :-)


I'm using the Hammer editor to create maps for HL2.

Now, the problem I have is that whenever I select "Counter Strike Source" (you know, to create a CSS map instead of HL2) instead of "HL2" or "HL2 Deathmatch" I cant open Hammer, I get an error, that stupid microsoft one that says "this program has performed....blah blah blah" then you have to click "send" or "dont send" and when I looked in the event viewer this is the error it gives me.


"Faulting application hammer.exe, version, faulting module vstdlib.dll, version, fault address 0x00007f27."


I hope someone can help.


Thanks in advance




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Hi Wicked,


I just googled that DLL and the only half-reasonable "fix" I saw was to reinstall.


Sorry dude, lets hope for a miracle!




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Hi ScinteX,


Thanks for the reply. Yeah, googlr told me tha same thing, but I was hoping it will not come to that :-(

You know what, its not only me with that problem, its all my online buddies, they all have the same problem, I dont know if its one of steam "great" updates that ruined something once again.

I also tried to refresh the files for Hammer using steam's refresh function, I suppose they have that option cause they know they're not perfect ;-)


Well, anyway, I will pop in my CD later tonight and re-install (if I get the guts, I'm pretty tired, been mapping for the past couple of days with very little sleep) and let you's know the result.

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I hope it all goes well smile


Yeah I know the tiredness thing... dunno how familiar are you with Linux/Fedora but I recently installed it on SDA rather than HDA.. ..in english thats XP on a SCSI drive and Fedora on a regular IDE drive- that was until I landed Fedora on the SCSI and wiped the entire XP installation! haha oh well it was due a clear out at some point LOL

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Ouch, thats a wipe out :P


I had a very important user, the secr. of one of the directors, and everyone that works in a big company knows the secr. thinks they are more important than their boss smile

well, anyway, we wanted to backup her stuff and reinstall but then a friend/col. decided he'll do it his way and make a ghost img. He ghosted the blank HD over hers, hehe.


Anyway, I re-installed the game, I refreshed the files but nothing worked, I tried it on my second PC and it gives me the same error.

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I fixed my little problem, but it took me a while.

First I tried to re-install SDK by deleting all the SDK files and the "GCF" file, it didn't work, then I tried the same with CS:S, still no go, after a while I formatted my PC and re-installed, installed HL2 and did all the downloads and so on, incl. SDK, now it works.

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