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Apache 2 installation problems

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I have tried to install Apache 2.0.54 to Windows XP Service Pack 2, but always I get the error: "Installation Wizard Interrupted. The Installation Wizard was interrupted before Apache HTTP Server 2.0.54 could be completely installed."


After googling found suggestions:

1) clean temp folders. Done.

2) remove old registery entries. Done, none found. (I have not installed Apache to this system before.)

3) Check permissions on the installation folder. Done. Everyone, SYSTEM, Users, Administrators and my account have Full rights.

4) Set Installer service to automatic. Done.

5) Update Installer. Cannot, already using the latest version of it, updated via Windows Update.


No effect. Same error.

My Event Viewer is flooding with Event IDs 11708: "Product: Apache HTTP Server 2.0.54 -- Installation operation failed.". These are not marked as "Error" or "Warning". Just "Information". smile



Tried to install 2.0.53. Same error.



<edit 2>

The 2.0.50 installed without problems... Weird. Anyway, back conf'n. smile

</edit 2>

[Edited by Wilhelmus on 2005-05-19 10:08:00]


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Hmm... Noticed something in the log files.


In 2.0.54:


MSI © (7C:F8) [17:34:29:509]: Running product '{3A862C7D-0504-48BC-AEF8-7F7479C7C158}' with user privileges: It's not assigned.


And in 2.0.50:


MSI © (D8:EC) [17:34:02:681]: Product installation will be elevated because user is admin and product is being installed per-machine.

MSI © (D8:EC) [17:34:02:681]: Running product '{3A862C7D-0504-48BC-AEF8-7F7479C7C158}' with elevated privileges: Product is assigned.


So, to me, it looks like 2.0.54 does not detect that my account have Administrator rights...



Uninstalled 2.0.50. and tried to reinstall 54. No change. Same error, incl. in log file.

Reinstalled 2.0.50. Installed fine. No errors.


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Could u try an earlier version of Apache? Ive had problems with Apache 2, especially when running the usual PHP & mysql setup (it was really odd and somethin that i wont bore the forum with!).


I use Apache 1.3, PHP 4 and MySQL 4.


Granted, there are lots of nice new things with v2, but good old 1.3 is still a very workable solution. If you dont get anywhere with v2, maybe 1.3 is worth a shot.


Im not slating v2 at all tho laugh



Google reckons that your error is probably a MSI error, not an Apache error. Did you try the manual method (above)? There is lots of talk about this error however 1 'fix' is this:


open a command prompt with cmd.exe and cd to your system32. There you need to type: regsvr32 scrrun.dll


The above will sort out your windows scripting host.


Good luck smile





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Have you also applied the latest update from Microsoft - Windows installer update? Are these problems before or after the update?

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Originally posted by ScinteX:

Could u try an earlier version of Apache?

I installed 2.0.50., no errors on that. smile



open a command prompt with cmd.exe and cd to your system32. There you need to type: regsvr32 scrrun.dll


Did you try the manual method (above)?

I'll try those.



Good luck smile



Originally posted by AndyFair:

Have you also applied the latest update from Microsoft - Windows installer update? Are these problems before or after the update?

After the 3.0/3.1. update.


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hi guys,

enable and start the "DNS Client" service in the service manager, i hope it solves the problem. plz reply if it works..


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Originally posted by ScinteX:

Could u try an earlier version of Apache? Ive had problems with Apache 2, especially when running the usual PHP & mysql setup (it was really odd and somethin that i wont bore the forum with!).


I use Apache 1.3, PHP 4 and MySQL 4.


Granted, there are lots of nice new things with v2, but good old 1.3 is still a very workable solution. If you dont get anywhere with v2, maybe 1.3 is worth a shot.


Im not slating v2 at all tho laugh



Google reckons that your error is probably a MSI error, not an Apache error. Did you try the manual method (above)? There is lots of talk about this error however 1 'fix' is this:


open a command prompt with cmd.exe and cd to your system32. There you need to type: regsvr32 scrrun.dll


The above will sort out your windows scripting host.


Good luck smile





i got exactly the same problem but with all the versions

i only want v1.3 i dont want v2 but no one works :\


i've tried what u said but nothing :\


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I had got the same problem.


I solved it by stopping/restarting windows

with the internet connection unavailable.

(I had the modem unplugged)


Then Apache 2.0.55 installs OK.


Seems strange but it worked!

give it a try.


Further info:

My system is Windows Sp2 up-to-date.





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Hi all,


I had this problem with Apache 2.0.53.


I'm using a WIFI-MAX for PSP, unplugged it from the PC, tried the install again and Apache installed without any issues..!


Very strange.

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