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Need help creating a web site

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Ok I am a very computer literate person but I am a complete noob when it comes to creating a web site. I tried Dreamweaver 2004 mx but dont find it very easy to use or intuitive especially for a beginner. I just want to create a web site with a forum, java chat room and of course pictures and etc that I will add to the pages. can anyone give me some advice and help? Thanks

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hi pr-man smile

I implmented exactly what you are after only the other week. It took about 1 hour (so it soooo easy- really!!!).


First up, I got a domain name and some hosting from the same place. I can't remember which company it was however I am sure you can google to find a fairly ok hosting company. With that sorted (costing about £6GBP a month) I had:



500Mb of storage

PHP scripting

MySQL database

FTP access


..and lots of other stuuff (web stats, emailing facilities etc. etc.)


I then did some research into free portals. I eventually went with XOOPS. This is based on PHP and MySQL - I simply download XOOPS and uploaded it to my site via FTP. I followed the readme file and went through a web-based setup, filling out the fields as I went.


Next thing I know is that I have a lovely looking portal based site, that has a wonderful backend admin screen where I can turn ona nd off certain parts (e.g. forums, picture gallery etc.) and also configure all of the site plus upload news articles (i.e. the content). I downloaded a few themes to make my site look different. Also on the XOOPS website are modules that I could download and deploy- these are extra little programs like chat pages etc.


So that's the route I went - I didnt even have to use DreamWeaver or Frontpage - I didnt even touch one bit of code!


Maybe this is something that you could think about.



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