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i have a problem with my sounds in debian

when i boot to debian, after loging in a message would pop up saying that /dev/dsp is not found or something. what shall i do?

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Did you just update the kernel or alsa? If not and this is a fresh installation, you need to add yourself to the audio group. Try this;


Go to a console, as root user. Type in;


adduser USER_NAME audio


So, to add myself to the group audio, I would do;


adduser danleff audio


Log off and back on again and see if this worked.

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i tried it already but everytime i logged in as root or any account i always get that error.

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Take a look at the sound faq on the Debian wiki. This may help.


Remember, if you updated the kernel, you must reinstall alsa, which I assume you are using. Which version of Debian are you using? Sarge...?

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